
Showing posts from January, 2019

a public health issue

He underestimated, "misunderestimated" as George W. Bush would put it, an out of sorts public. The strands of that discontent at the dull council, at income inequality, at low wage jobs galvanized behind insurgent Kshama Sawant campaign. Owned by Rob Nall, the Beach Shop used to be on the corner of Pardall and Embarcadero Del Norte (the location is now Isla Vista Surf Company). Held during week prior to UCSB finals in November, this event featured jump ramps, parking blocks, slide rails, a picnic bench, and a car with a ramp next to it. The event was held on the corner of Trigo Road and Embarcadero Del Mar right in front of the International Food Market. Some of the commissioners questioned the air quality data and whether there is, indeed, a public health issue. Burnett countered that, policy is an urgent matter. Public health is at risk and it my responsibility and obligation to protect the community. wholesale nfl jerseys Going through matches like I did today is a goo